JC/Poly route

Been very tired these few weeks.

I've been juggling between army training and tuition for god knows how long. It's taking a toll on me some days, like now. For those taking O'lvl and A'lvl, time is ticking closer and closer towards the end. Have you worked the best that you want to be?

Today I talked to a student about JC/Poly route. He said that JC route is shorter than Poly route, since JC takes 2 years but poly takes 3 years. He forgot to see that after taking A'lvls in JC, he still have to take a 4 year course in University (4 years for honours, 3 years for degree only). If he didn't go university to get his degree, his A'lvl certificate is essentially useless.

On the other hand, after spending 3 years in poly, you'll end up with a diploma. A diploma will beat A'lvl certification hands down legs down in terms of marketability, ease of finding work, pay etc. If one is in the top 5 or 10% of the cohort, a diploma graduate can apply to university for a degree. He can start straight in year 2, so he just have to spend another 3 years more for a degree.

Let's summarise:

1. JC route

2 years to A'lvl PLUS 4 years to university degree = 6 years

2. Poly route

3 years to diploma PLUS 3 years to university degree = 6 years

So if one thinks about it, is there really a time saving? No, absolutely not. Since there isn't savings in time, then which is a more riskier course?

In my opinion, JC route is much more riskier than poly route. Not everyone can take the tough A'lvl syllabus, as the 2 years is really too short to cramp a lot of stuff. I've counseled at least 2 students to switch to poly after their 1st year in JC. I told them the grim statistics of JC students entering university, especially if one is not in the top JC. Maybe it's like 3 out of 10 will go university?

Actually the problem is not about passing the A'lvl. The problem is passing the mark to enter university. Some students get 3 Bs and they can't go university, so it's really sad. I wonder what options they have - take it again or go take private university in singapore or go overseas university?

If anyone has any problems deciding where to go after O'lvls, PLS TALK TO ME!! I've seen enough mismatch to warn you the consequences of taking the wrong choice!